>The same way that angel investors come together to invest in start-up companies, Nica Angels gives everyone the opportunity to invest in projects that serve the community in Nicaragua. 

>The goal is not to enable residents by giving free hand outs or putting band-aides on areas of blight. We come along side and empower residents to overcome their circumstances. We target opportunities that cultivate grass root community development to sustain both economic and infrastructural development.


>Many people don’t have access to clean water resulting in adults and children alike contracting life threatening diseases that are easily avoided by having a secured water source.

how we assist<

  • Drilling neighborhood wells

  • Creating Distribution Systems

  • Clean and Secure existing wells

  • Provide clean water for local schools


>The educational system has failed the children of these areas and while Nica Angels cannot change the educational system it can supplement it.

how we assist<

  • Facility Expansion

  • Implement internet based enhanced supplemental learning

  • Create clean and safe learning environments

  • Provide nutritional supplements for underserved schools

  • Scholarship programs for kids to further their education


>Nica Angels seeks to provide employment through the creation of industry for unemployed men and woman through initiatives such as micro loans, cooperatives, and start up incubators.

how we assist<

  • Micro Loans

  • Small Business Start Ups

  • Agricultural Cooperatives

  • Individual Empowerment

  • Educate (hygiene and maintenance and upkeep)

  • Improve Quality of Life (give a hand up not a hand out for individuals who have a demonstrated need).

  • Work for necessities – Other residents to work for home repairs and other necessities

“we seek projects that improve the quality of life for local residents through the creation of sustainable community development.”

Construction project of a school recently completed for nearby community<

“I heard about Nica Angels and wrote a letter asking for help building a school for the children in our community. The families are so grateful”

“We never thought anything like this would ever happen and it's such a blessing”

Sacred Sand Hotel

Transforming communities, one hand at a time.